Wenonah Lyon in bits and bytes
Wenonah's Lobby
Online Fiction
A Christmas Present for Joaquin Orchard Press Online Mystery Magazine Dec. 2001
Cosmologies In Possie Review 2002
The Travelling Girl flashquake Fiction 1/6/02
Betting the Family Farm Quantum Muse 4/06/02 (sold for download by escapepod, 2007)
My Pet Vampire Gator Springs Gazette - BLOOD MOUSTACHE - October 2002
The Christmas Dinner Gator Springs Gazette - THE QUILT - 2002
On the Way to Nashville The Dead Mule 2003
Yo! Banana Boy Gator Springs Gazette - INNOCENTS ABROAD - 2003
True Lies The Dead Mule 2004
Poppies Gator Springs Gazette 2005
April Fool Quantum Muse 2006
quote of the day
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme ... Mark Twain
Other Writing
"Mangoes and Roses"
first prize, short story contest, Yosemite Writers Convention, August 2004
Frigg: A Magazine of Fiction and Poetry Winter 2004
Online Non-fiction
CSAC Studies in Anthropology Vol 11 1996
Social Context and the Limits on Symbolic Meanings EthnoGraphics Gallery
Academic Publications
"Another Way of Being British: Ethnicity and South Asians in England" 1997 Negotiating Multiculturalism in Europe: Collective Identities and the Politics of Representation. ed. Tariq Modood and Pnina Werbner. Berg Press: London.
"Household size strategies in an urban community in Pakistan", 1996, with M. D. Fischer. Family and Gender in Pakistan: Domestic Organization in a Muslim Society, ed Hastings Donnan, Hindustan Press: New Delhi.
"Islam and Islamic Women in Britain." 1995. Women: A Cultural Review: 6.1
Social Context and the Limits on Symbolic Meanings, 1994. in Ethnographics Gallery 1A, WWW//http:lucy.ukc.ac.uk/Tradition/Vaka.html.
"Transformations of a Body of Knowledge: Medical Practice in Lahore", 1991 Economy and Culture in Pakistan, eds. H. Donnan & P. Werbner, Macmillan.
"Description and Fieldwork Methodology: Marriage, Kinship and Friendship in Urban Punjab", with M. Fischer. 1992, Journal of Quantitative Anthropology.
"Pakistan", 1990,Women's Encyclopedia III, ed. Helen Tierney (revised edition to appear in 1996.)